Monday, February 11, 2013

What can we do to put a stop to global warming?

Noahpinion: U.S. total energy-related carbon emissions are down 13% since 2007. That's huge. Although the U.S. refused to sign the Kyoto Protocol, we managed about 70% of the emissions reductions mandated by that treaty (which is much better than most of the actual signatories!).
Renewable energy now provides 12.1% of U.S. energy. That is big.

Energy demand has fallen 6.4% since 2007, even though GDP is slightly higher. Hence, energy efficiency is responsible for the reduction in demand. That is good.

Gas is replacing coal. That is good, provided that wellhead methane emissions are not making up the difference.

Bottom line: If the U.S. were the world, the fight against global warming would be going well.

OK, now for the bad news: The U.S. is not the world. Global warming is global. The only thing that matters for the world is global emissions. And global emissions are still going up, thanks to strong increases in emissions in the developing world, notably China.

Figures released this week show skyrocketing Chinese coal use. China now burns almost as much coal as the rest of the world combined...

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